Web3/Mission & Quiz

GALXE Taiko - "Taiko Community Call #11" 퀴즈 정답

JasonM 2024. 3. 12. 23:27







Question 1: When is the scheduled release date for the mainnet?

A. Before the end of Q1
B. Before the end of Q2
C. Before the end of Q3
D. Before the end of Q4


Question 2: What is the total prize pool for the bug bounty program organized in collaboration with Code4rena?

A. $50,000 USDC 
B. $200,000 USDC 
C. $140,000 USDC
D. $500,000 USDC 



Question 3: What is the purpose of the STN tool?

A. Managing software updates
B. Monitoring network traffic
C. Managing Taiko nodes
D. Analyzing blockchain transactions



Question 4: What is the purpose of the attestation process for provers?

A. To verify the identity of users
B. To prove that they can generate ZK proofs
C. To prove that they can generate SGX or ZK proofs
D. To prove that they can generate SGX+ZK proofs


Question 5: How many testnets are scheduled to occur after the A6 testnet but before the launch of the mainnet?

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four


