Web3/Mission & Quiz

GALXE Web3 - Module 1: Welcome to Web3 - Quiz 정답

JasonM 2024. 2. 22. 09:42

Introduction to Web3! 퀴즈 정답

Question 1: Which of the following is not Web3’s unique offering?

A. Direct exchange of value
B. Data and content ownership
C. Make lots of money from crypto


Question 2: What traditional role is removed in Web3?

A. Centralized trusted authority
B. Miner
C. Stakeholder


Basics of Blockchain and Crypto 퀴즈 정답

Question 1: What is Ethereum’s consensus mechanism?

A. Proof of trust
B. Proof of work
C. Proof of stake



Question 2: What is blockchain?


A. A place in New York City where blocks are wrapped in chains
B. A technology that stores data in a way that is immutable, secure, and decentralized
C. A political term to describe a chain of blocks that stop a bill to move forward


Galxe x MetaMask: What is a Crypto Wallet? 퀴즈 정답

Question 1: What is MetaMask?

A. A Metaverse project
B. A military grade gas mask
C. A crypto wallet




2024.02.20 - [이것저것] - GALXE Web3 - Module 4: DEX - Quiz 정답
