Web3/Mission & Quiz

GALXE Web3 - Module 9: Security - Quiz 정답

JasonM 2024. 4. 12. 12:15



Module 9: Security by Mission Web3 | Galxe

FailSafe | Wallet Firewall



Quiz: Module 9 - Course 1: Web3 Security


Question 1: Which of the below is not a best practice in maintaining your web3 security?

A. Only using custodial wallets
B. Ensuring a secure network connection
C. Enabling two-factor authentications (2FA)
D. Having a good understanding of the smart contracts of a protocol


Question 2: How can you ensure your network is safe?

A. Turning on a Virtual Private Network (VPN)
B. Encrypting the network connection
C. Set up firewalls
D. All of the above



Question 3: Which is not a benefit of having a Decentralized Identity (DID)?

A. Enhanced privacy
B. Higher levels of control over personal information
C. Reduced reliance on centralized entities
D. Access to decentralized applications





Quiz: Module 9 - Course 2: FailSafe


Question 1: Which is a benefit of FailSafe?

A. Implements one-size-fits-all risk mitigation strategies
B. Reduces risks through identifying potential threats and vulnerabilities
C. Adopts a centralized approach to maintaining security


Question 2: How does FailSafe leverage on the community to fortify security?

A. Investing in educational initiatives
B. Establishing a bug bounty program
C. Constantly monitoring digital fraud


Question 3: Why is it important to invest in security training?

A. Reduces the potential of data breaches
B. Improves an organization’s internal communication
C. Prevents a Sybil Attack





Quiz: Module 9 - Course 3: Quantstamp


Question 1: How does QuantStamp ensure security infrastructure?

A. Regularly require documentation from users
B. Conducting meticulous smart contract audits
C. Setting up a ‘scam alert’ for users



Question 2: Which of the below is not how QuantStamp conducts smart contract audits?

A. Regular code reviews
B. Identify potential vulnerabilities
C. Offering actionable insights to enhance the speed of the smart contract

Question 3: What is the core competency of QuantStamp?

A. Providing an open-sourced security platform
B. Conducting meticulous smart contract audits
C. Creating a robust smart contract



2024.04.12 - [앱테크 용돈벌이/Galxe] - GALXE Web3 - Module 8: DAOs - Quiz 정답


GALXE Web3 - Module 8: DAOs - Quiz 정답

https://app.galxe.com/quest/MissionWeb3/GC5zYtt44P Module 8: DAOs by Mission Web3 | Galxe app.galxe.com Quiz: Module 8 - Course 1: What is a Dao and How Do They Work? Question 1: What does “DAO” stand for? A. Decentralized Automated Organization B. Dec


